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Cashmere red scarf, the price is expected to rise this year -- Yuetimei

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扫一扫!Cashmere red scarf, the price is expected to rise this year -- Yuetimei扫一扫!
浏览:- 发布日期:2022-11-01 15:08:23【

We are familiar with cashmere red scarf. In the previous article, we also talked about the category of cashmere red scarves. Today, let's continue to analyze the factors that cause the price rise of cashmere red scarf!


Last time, we said that the supply of goods in Inner Mongolia was affected by the epidemic. In addition to this factor, we also talked about the impact of power rationing. In addition to these influences, what other influences are there? We continue to analyze that under the influence of the market environment, the price of this year has been in the stage of continuous rise. We can also see that the food price is also rising significantly, so with the rise of prices, we can now see this phenomenon. What are the other impacts? That's logistics!


The rise of logistics is also a factor. More cashmere red scarf customers fail to cooperate with manufacturers because of the rise of logistics transportation costs, which also leads to problems after our cooperation. But more problems, we do not have plans to give our customers, we will choose to cooperate with our logistics companies. In our transportation quantity or frequency, we will choose logistics companies, as far as possible, We will choose to save these unnecessary expenses for our customers! In this way, although our customers cannot say that they are not worried about the freight, we can also let them save as much as possible!


Cashmere red scarves are also easier to sell in winter. When prices continue to rise, we still need to make some judgments and choices, and choose a good long-term manufacturer for cooperation! Do you want to know any other suggestions? The more you consult, the more answers you can choose!
